Wellness Workshops

Available the 2nd Tuesday of each month! REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Join us for an empowering and nurturing 1hr workshop designed to meet you where you are. Reclaim your body, ease your mind, and feel more at peace with movement in your day-to-day!

When: January 14th, 2025, 10:00-11:30am

Where: WellMama – 576 Olive St. Suite 205, Eugene, OR

Cost: *Free* (a suggested donation of $50 so that we can continue to bring more Wellness Workshops and resources to our Community)

What to Expect:
-Understand your pelvic floor: Gain insight into this crucial foundation for postpartum recovery.
-Learn to move smarter, not harder: Tips for everyday living, chores, diaper changes, and passive activities.
-Worry less with better toileting strategies: Simple techniques for less leaking.
-Pelvic Floor Rehab Q&A: Get your questions answered!

*Safety first! Participation is at your & your doctor’s discretion.
*Please bring your mat if you have one, limited supply available.

Available the 4th Tuesday of each month!  REGISTRATION REQUIRED.

Join us for a FREE Wellness Workshop and learn a guilt-free, cry-free tummy time technique to encourage optimal infant development. Set the foundation for breast and bottle feeding, vision, motor skills, strength, cranial molding, and sensory development! For pre-crawling infants and their caregivers. 

Led by Jess Draper, a holistic pelvic floor therapist, certified breastfeeding specialist, and infant occupational therapist – and one of the only TummyTime Method certified providers in Oregon!

When: Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 from 10-11:30 am

Where: WellMama
576 Olive St. Suite 205
Eugene, OR

Cost: *Free* (a suggested donation of $50 so that we can continue to bring more Wellness Workshops and resources to our Community)

Past WellMama Workshops –

Craniosacral Therapy

with Rae Mullin, LMT and Lactation Consulting with Debbie Jensen, RN, BSN, M.Ed., IBCLC hosted by SpringWell Birth Support Center in Eugene.    

When:August 15th 


Where: SpringWell Birth Support Center in Eugene

This workshop will offer Craniosacral Therapywith Rae Mullin, LMT for both Mom and Baby, and Lactation Consulting and Tongue/Lip Tie Evaluations with Debbie Jensen, RN, BSN, M.Ed., IBCLC  with one-on-one appointments. 

Write your Birth Story

3 Day Series

When: July 17-18-19 (12-2pm, 12-2pm, 12-2:30pm)

Where: Virtual

Our society often does not provide space for processing the deeply important experience of birth. Whether you experienced a joyous or traumatic delivery of your baby, there is no denying that this experience can deeply change your identity. In this workshop we will use writing, art, sharing, and discussion to explore the various stages of your personal birth story and what it means to your transition to parenthood. All experiences and emotions are welcome, and you don’t need to be a writer or artist to participate! Sharing is encouraged but not required. 

Food & Mood: What we eat impacts how we feel

This wellness workshop is all about perinatal nutrition and its relation to perinatal mental health. Come learn the latest evidence-based recommendations plus practical tips regarding how our food, especially during pregnancy, can shape mental wellness during postpartum and beyond. Led by Midwife and Nutrition Therapist Colleen Forbes: www.homemidwiferycare.com/nutrition

Processing the Postpartum Transition through Writing and Art

3 part series

The transition into being a new parent – even when you already are a parent – can deeply change your identity. In this workshop we will use writing, art, sharing, and discussion to explore the various stages of that transition. All experiences and emotions are welcome, and you don’t need to be a writer or artist to participate! Sharing is encouraged but not required. Childcare is available. 

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Wellness Workshops
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